Hire Brick Headstrong to bring Gains to your Gym’s Social Media!

Sometimes, we all fall behind on content. Let Coach Brick help you get those extra reps in!

Coach Brick delivers engaging, fun, and motivational content designed to boost your gym’s social media presence effortlessly. Every custom video is a co-branded opportunity, connecting your gym with Brick’s growing audience for increased visibility and engagement. Its a creative way for your gym to promote upcoming classes, motivate members, or run a special.

Let Brick handle the content—so you can focus on what matters most: your members.

What's Included?

Boost your gym’s social media with custom video content featuring Coach Brick wearing your gym's branded gear!

When you hire Brick as a Part-Time Coach, you're going to receive an assortment of fresh, new content every month:

  • (1) Customized Video from Brick
  • (2) Bonus Branded Videos
  • (3) High Quality Images of Brick
  • Weekly Gym Check-ins
  • Social Media Strategy Calendar

If you're falling behind on your social media and need a fun way to re-engage members, Coach Brick's got you covered!

Learn More Below

Hire Brick Headstrong part-time at your Gym

Learn More About what you'll Receive

How does Brick wear My Gym's gear?

All we need from you is a high resolution logo file and we'll print up the shirt on our end.

In every piece of content Brick makes for you, he'll be wearing it, reppin loud and proud!

Think of Brick like your gym's mascot!

(1) Customized Video from Brick

This is where you get to have some fun with Brick. We can make a video for new member specials, motivate existing members or let people know this month's schedule. We'll work together on this one!

Video Length: up to 60-seconds.

(2) Bonus Branded Videos

While Brick prepares to make your Customized Video, it only makes sense to get some warm-up reps in, right?

You'll be receiving a minimum of 2 additional bonus videos with Brick in your gym gear to motivate your members to get up and get moving!

Use them however you want! As additional posts, stories, or on a day you've fallen behind.

(3) High Quality Images of Brick

Get creative! We're going to send you over 3 high resolution photos of Brick wearing your gym gear. Use it for social media posts (new profile pic?) or use it in your print materials.

Weekly Gym Check-ins

Coach Brick is a rep machine. When you hire Brick as a Coach at Your Gym, he'll be adding extra check-ins to your gym when posting out his daily motivational content.

Its a little extra thank you from Brick.

Social Media Strategy Calendar

With over 15 years of social media consulting experience, we know that consistently brainstorming fresh ideas can be a real challenge. Even if your current strategy is already impressive, we’d like to share a few new ideas as a token of our appreciation to help energize your month ahead.

You'll be receiving a 30-day calendar with new ideas for gyms for every day of the week.

Want Something Else from Brick?